Saturday, June 19, 2010

Work Peeps!

I work with some of the best people ever! These are two of my absolute favorites. In the middle is Ashley, she is a recent addition to the ICU. She has been a blessing to us and I am thankful that she isn't just a co-worker but a friend too! You can follow her @ ! On the other side of Ashely is one of my best-friends Debi! Thank god she's in my life! I am blessed to go to work with my best friend (and partner in crime). I mean seriously, aren't they hot! Our workplace/group is amazing! I'm a lucky duck!


Summer is here! Its hot and humid and we are busy busy! I don't have a break from school so I am still juggling full-time work, crazy children, a cranky husband and lots of school work. I'm sure its not on purpose but the class that I am in now and will be for the bulk of the summer is really really hard for me. But its all part of the journey, right? RIGHT! I am also fitting in lots of TBall games, preparations for Livi to be the cutest flower girl ever, some great girl's night and of course the summer veggie garden and Durren family dinner nights! That's right, summer is in full swing at our house!