Wednesday, September 15, 2010

School for Everybody...almost

I love Fall. Its my favorite season. Cooler air, sweaters, light weight jackets and scarves, leaves and yummy scented candles! Plus we celebrate many of birthdays in the Fall...My mother-in-law, my dad, my Alex, Nicholas, Ruby, and Gram Young. So we are busy, just like I like it!

Of course with Fall comes the school year. This is Livi's first year in Kindergarten. She is loving it and other than not getting to sleep in, she wouldn't change a thing! Here she is on her first day...

Alex started Preschool this year. Alex is our shy child and is enjoying school as much as she can at the moment, she is getting to know everyone very slowly. I saw a smile on Monday when she was there, so it is getting easier. Here is a picture of her on her first day...

I've started my next class...Statistics. Not so much fun, but I am plugging along. I am getting used to working every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It is working out well to keep up with the kids and school. It is fun to be home with the family all week long.

Jason is still loving the dairy farm. I suppose you could say is in school also...with the cows. We took the kids to visit with Daddy's Cows, here are some adorable pictures of the visit...